There are 4 booking option(s) available for the "Study Rooms" category and all zones. You can go back and change the filters.
Please be considerate of one another and share these rooms in a spirit of cooperation!
The following study room policies ensure all students have equitable access:
- Study rooms must be booked with Ambrose student email addresses (
- Rooms may be booked up to 2 weeks in advance
- All patrons are limited to a maximum of 2 hours per day across all rooms
- You may stay beyond your time if there is no subsequent booking and there is no one else waiting for a room to open
- There is a 15 minute grace period for bookings
- If the person who booked does not show within the grace period, the booking is considered cancelled and the room can be used by drop-in patrons
- Like the rest of the library, covered drinks are allowed, but all food must be enjoyed elsewhere on campus
If a study room is needed for accessibility reasons, please speak with library staff.
Your Booking